Dr. Jon JP Warner
Nov 22, 2019
Performance vs. Trust
Dear CSS Members and Colleagues: Enclosed is a short TED TALK by Simon Sinek about Performance and Trust. Consider a few questions. Who...
Dr. Jon JP Warner
Nov 21, 2019
Discovering Your True North
Dear CSS Members and Colleagues: Enclosed is a short document by Bill George who used to be the CEO of Medtronic. This partly comes from...

Dr. Jon JP Warner
Nov 20, 2019
The Forgetting Curve
Dear CSS Members and Colleagues: When you go to an educational meeting what is your retention of what you learn? Enclosed is a simple...

Dr. Jon JP Warner
Nov 19, 2019
The Joy Gap
Dear CSS Members and Colleagues: Enclosed is a simple graph which has to do with the concept of Joy in your work. I was surprised to see...
Dr. Jon JP Warner
Nov 18, 2019
Measurement Survey Results
Dear CSS Members and Colleagues: Enclosed is the Outcomes Questionnaire I submitted to our membership. I am please that 75 surgeons...
Dr. Jon JP Warner
Nov 13, 2019
Operative vs. Nonoperative Treatment of Rotator Cuff Tears
Dear CSS Members and Colleagues: Enclosed is a recent article published on Rotator cuff repair vs nonoperative treatment of Rotator cuff...
Dr. Jon JP Warner
Nov 4, 2019
Measurement Survey
Dear CSS Members: Enclosed is a survey that I’d like all surgeons to complete. Our group is founded on the concept that “we are a group...