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Link to Tendon Transfers For Irreparable Rotator Cuff Tears Conference

Dear CSS Members and Colleagues:

I am pleased to share with you our first Codman Shoulder Society Zoom Conference Program. This was an international collaboration between The Balgrist Klinik of the University of Zurich, the Mayo Clinic in Rochester Minnesota, and the Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston.

Christian Gerber and Bassem ELHassan discussed their experience with Latissimus Dorsi and Lower Trapezius Tendon transfers for management of irreparable posterosuperior rotator cuff tears.

This program was recorded and is available on the Codman Shoulder Society Channel on vumedi at the following link:

Future programs will be forthcoming and will cover a range of topics relevant to all Shoulder and Sports Medicine Fellows. I will let the group know as these become available.

Kind Regards,

JP Warner, MD

Founder, CSS

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