Dr. Jon JP Warner
- Sep 30, 2020
Tour de Force of Tendon Transfers for the Shoulder Girdle by Bassem Elhassan
Dear CSS Members and Colleagues: For those of you who may not know Bassem Elhassan will be joining us as the future leader of the MGH...
Dr. Jon JP Warner
- Sep 29, 2020
"The Australian Joint Registry: How Do TSA, RSA and Hemi Revisions Compare after 10 Years?"
Dear CSS Members and Colleagues: When you offer a shoulder replacement to your patient how often does your patient ask you, "how long...
Dr. Jon JP Warner
- Sep 10, 2020
Measurement and Transparency from the standpoint of orthopedic patients seeking care
Dear CSS Colleagues and Members: Please find enclosed a link to our recent article which evaluates Measurement and Transparency from the...
Dr. Jon JP Warner
- Sep 8, 2020
From Innovation to Product….The Wisdom & Experience of Lanny Johnson
Dear CSS Colleagues: For those of you who don’t know who Lanny Johnson was, take a moment to consider this. Lanny, in his day, was an...