Dr. Jon JP Warner
Nov 23, 2021
Machine Learning and Predictive Analytics for Shoulder Replacement
Dear CSS Colleagues: I’d like to invite you to watch a wonderful presentation recently given by Dr. Howard Routman. The title is...
Dr. Jon JP Warner
Nov 22, 2021
Surgeons and Administrators Co-creating Value
Dear CSS Colleagues: Please find enclosed an article by Robert Kaplan and colleagues which should be of interest. While the concepts of...
Dr. Jon JP Warner
Nov 18, 2021
Purchasing "The Shoulder"
Dear CSS Colleagues: For those who are interested to purchase “The Shoulder” 6th Edition, here is information on how to do so: It can be...
Dr. Jon JP Warner
Nov 17, 2021
Dear CSS Colleagues: I would like to make you aware of a wonderful meeting this December. Here is a message from Prof. Stefano Gumina MD,...

Dr. Jon JP Warner
Nov 15, 2021
Rockwood and Matsen's "The Shoulder"
Dear CSS Colleagues: I’d like to share with you my insight into an exceptional, state of the art book on Shoulder Care. I believe this...
Dr. Jon JP Warner
Nov 12, 2021
FREDDIE FU (1951-2021): An Original and a man who led by example…
Dear CSS Colleagues: Enclosed is a link to the JBJS Tribute to Dr. Freddie Fu. Kind Regards, “JP” Warner MD Founder, The CSS...
Dr. Jon JP Warner
Nov 10, 2021
If Patients Knew: Surgeon Stewardship Versus Balance Sheet Bureaucracy In Orthopaedic Surgery
Dear CSS Colleagues: Enclosed is a link to an article in Forbes recently authored by Prem Ramkumar. Prem is a Fellow in Adult...
Dr. Jon JP Warner
Nov 8, 2021
The Evolving Framework of Orthopedic Care
Dear CSS Colleagues: Enclosed is a message from Moby Parsons, MD as well as some links he offers that should be of interest to all. The...