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10 items found for "clayton christensen"
- Remembering Clayton Christensen
Clayton Christensen managed to differentiate between success in business and in life and in his own words Rest in Peace Clayton Christensen. Kind Regards, Jon “JP” Warner, MD Founder, CSS
- Re: Use Strategic Thinking to Create the Life You Want
This would seem to be complementary to the writing of Clayton Christensen, as his articles and book are q=clayton+christensen This article goes beyond Christensen and attempts to offer a framework and metrics to analyze your strategy
- Regulations Favor the Incumbents and are a Barrier to Disruptive Innovation.
The late Harvard Business School Professor, Clayton Christensen, talked about this in his book, “ The I’ll expand on Christensen’s perspective on healthcare in a future post.
- "What is Important: Disruption in Research"
Christensen at Harvard Business School. Enclosed is Christensen’s article and a link to a prior blog I posted on his work on the CSS website. So, I am pretty sure Professor Christensen would accept Gerber’s application of the concept. Best Regards, JPW Link in CSS Blog to Clayton Christensen’s concept of Disruptive Innovation https://
- Disruptive Research and its Publication are Decreasing
Clayton Christensen and Colleagues wrote about this in their book, “The Innovator’s DNA”.
- For all you "Type A's"... Are you a success junkie?
Finally, Clayten Christensen ( Click here for short Ted Talk by Clay Christensen:
- 8th Annual CSS Meeting Announcement
According to the late Clayton Christensen of Harvard Business School “Disruptive innovations are NOT which will be presented may be consistent with the definition of “disruptive innovation” according to Christensen I will post more about Clayton Christensen’s definition of “Disruptive Innovation” in a separate CSS
- “Where Does it Hurt?: An Entrepreneur’s Guide to Fixing Healthcare” by Jonathan Bush
Indeed, Clayton Christensen, the originator of the concept of Disruptive Innovation, wrote the forward
- God Does Not Hire Accountants in Heaven
Dear CSS Members and Colleagues: Enclosed is a short article by Clayton Christensen of HBS.
- Knowledge is the Enemy of Innovation
The great Harvard Business School professor, Clayton Christensen, identified the 5 key behaviors of true