[J.P. Warner] "What is the Value of RC Repair and How Should We Measure it?" on VuMedi
Dear CSS Members and Colleagues:
Enclosed is a link to a presentation on www.vumedi.com on Measuring Value in Rotator Cuff Repair. Please consider this in the context of the surgery you perform and the innovations which are coming to us on a more frequent basis. You can find many more presentations on this topic on the vumedi website including SCR and Tendon transfers. I’d recommend you review all of these with an open mind and a consideration of the value of each.
Kind Regards,
JP Warner, MD
Founder, CS
"What Is the Value of RC Repair and How Should We Measure It?" by Dr. J.P. Warner, Boston Shoulder Institute, Boston, MA. Presented by the Balgrist University Hospital.
Click here to view: What Is the Value of RC Repair and How Should We Measure It?