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A Recovery Squandered

Dear Colleagues:

Enclosed is a document created by Michael Porter and Colleagues. As physicians we often fail to recognize we provide services and work in the context of an overall economic and political environment. As we are in the midst of a socioeconomic transformation in healthcare this is essential background reading to understand where we are going in the USA and what impact this may have on the number one cost to the American taxpayer, namely healthcare. Michael Porter and colleagues state:

“Despite a decade of steady economic growth since the Great Recession, America has done remarkably little to address underlying structural weaknesses in the country’s economy and society. Surveys of HBS alumni worldwide, HBS MBA students, and members of the U.S. public show the disappointing trajectory of U.S. competitiveness, the dysfunction in America’s political system that has contributed to the trajectory, the role of business in political dysfunction, the unfinished business of U.S. tax reform, and America’s faltering system for attracting global talent. The report highlights a striking lack of shared reality about the trajectory of U.S. competitiveness, a poor understanding of the structural nature of our political problems, and other gaps in understanding.”

Kind Regards,

JP Warner, MD

Founder, CSS

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