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Friends Exercise

Dear CSS Members & Colleagues:

Enclosed is a link to a short video by Simon Sinek. Occasionally I'll post on topics relevant to your own self development as who you are is essential to your impact as a surgeon, business person, and leader. Simon Sinek wrote some absolutely must read books for anyone interested in this topic: "Start with Why" and "Leaders Eat Last." These were on my short list and should be on yours as well.

What Simon Sinek suggests here is taking stock in why people believe you are a friend. When I was at Harvard Business School we did a similar exercise entitled "Best Self". The point is, unlike a 360 degree survey which tells you all the negatives about how you interact with people, "Friends exercise" and "Best Self exercise" tells you what people see in you that are a positive. This is incredibly empowering as we often fail to see when we are at our best and what the theme is for what we do to positively influence others. I hope you find this helpful.

Kind Regards,

"JP" Warner, MD

Founder, CSS

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