The Importance of Failure and Persistence
Dear CSS Members and Colleagues:
Being an entrepreneur is the purest example of taking risk. In fact, in my opinion, life is nothing without risk. This doesn’t mean you have to quit your job or start a company. You can keep one foot planted in your current business and life and pivot to a new position before you pick up the planted foot. That’s been my approach in this stage of my life. Enclosed are three illustrations posted by one of my classmates at Harvard Business School. These graphically represent how failure is an important part of success, so don’t despair if things don’t work the first, second, or third time….just be persistent.
I will also be posting graphic examples of the founders journeys for several well known start-up companies. I’ll post one each day or so for the next week or so.
Best Regards and Happy New Year,
JP Warner, MD
Founder, CSS