Purpose and Impact
Dear CSS Members and Colleagues:
Business, and medicine as well, require soft skills and self-realization for success. It is not just your fund of knowledge and your business or clinical experience that makes you effective. It is also your sense of self and purpose. Enclosed are a few articles you may find of interest as these relate to your development as a leader in Business and in Healthcare. As quoted by Nick Craig and Scott Snook in their HBR article, “From Purpose to Impact”….
“The two most important days in your life are the day
You are born and the day you find out why.”
Mark Twain
“Most of us go to our graves with our music still inside us, unplayed.”
Oliver Wendell Holmes
In the articles by Emily Esfahani Smith, “Meaning is Healthier than Happiness” and “There’s More to Life than Being Happy”, the them is the difference between Happiness and Being Purposeful. This is relevant not only for your daily motivation in life but also your health. For those who find this interesting I’d recommend a short but easy read which was given to me by a good friend and business associate: “The Go-Giver”by (See below).

I hope this information is of use to you. No matter your age or experience, my personal opinion is you are never done improving who you are on a personal and professional level.
Best Regards,
“JP” Warner
Founder, CSS