Christian Gerber on Irreparable anterior and antero-superior rotator cuff tears
Dear CSS Members and Colleagues:
Enclosed is a link to a video by Christian Gerber on vumedi dealing with management of irreparable anterior and antero-superior rotator cuff tears in case you missed it.
Kind Regards,
JP Warner, MD
Founder CSS
"Irreparable Anterior or Antero-superior Tears: When Pectoralis Major Transfer, When Latissmus Dorsi Transfer?" by Dr. Christian Gerber, University of Zurich, Zürich, Switzerland.
Click here to view: Irreparable Anterior or Antero-superior Tears: When Pectoralis Major Transfer, When Latissmus Dorsi Transfer?
"The Story Behind the Latissimus Dorsi Transfer" by Dr. Christian Gerber, University of Zurich, Zürich, Switzerland.