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Farewell, Tom Norris

Dear CSS Members and Colleagues:

Tom Norris has been a world renowned shoulder surgeon for 43 years, most of it practicing in San Francisco. He served as the President of the American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons ( in 2001. As a teacher he has been an invaluable resource to young upcoming shoulder surgeons and he has been a bridge between the founder of ASES, Dr. Charles S. Neer, and those who came after and grew the organization into what it is today, the premier group for innovation in shoulder and elbow surgery. Tom has allowed me to share his retirement letter which offers insight into his journey. This should serve as inspiration for us.

As the Codman Shoulder Society seeks to innovate and improve care based on the principles of Codman, it seems appropriate to take a look at Tom Norris’ experience as an innovator for over 40 years. Please join me in wishing Tom the best.

Kind Regards,

“JP” Warner, MD

Founder, Codman Shoulder Society

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