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Leadership Framework for Orthopedic Surgeons Webinar

Dear CSS Members and Colleagues:

Enclosed is an invitation for a unique webinar in which I have been asked to play a role. The topic is “Leadership”. This is specifically directed at Surgeons and Physicians, as most of us have not developed these skills, but understandably, have focused on our skills as physicians and surgeons. While this has benefited our patients, it has left us with a number of blind spots and a lack of understanding of our role in the Healthcare world. I am honored to collaborate with Alan Friedman and Bryan Warren of J3Personica ( These are two special individuals whose company motto is “Redefining Personality for Healthcare.” I think this will be an enlightening webinar and, if you are like I was several years ago, it will take you outside your comfort zone.

The link below will allow you to scan the code and register. The registration is in Spanish but the program will be in English. If you are challenged with Spanish I recommend you simply use Google Spanish to English Translation to navigate through the registration process.

This program will be a collaboration between the CODMAN SHOULDER SOCIEY and the MEXICAN SHOULDER and ELBOW SOCIETY. It will be recorded and posted to the Codman Shoulder Society Channel on VuMedi’s website in the coming weeks. The event will take place on Wednesday, May 27th at 7pm, EST in the USA.

Kind Regards,

Jon “JP” Warner, MD

Founder, CSS

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