AO/BOSTON Shoulder Institute Inaugural Tendon Transfer, and Evaluation and Management of Scapulothoracic Disorders Course Post
Updated: Aug 2, 2024

Dear Colleagues:
It is my great pleasure to invite you to the AO North America/Boston Shoulder Institute Inaugural Shoulder Tendon Transfer, and Evaluation and Management of Scapulothoracic Disorders Course.
This course will address many problems that most other shoulder courses only touch on briefly. This includes management of irreparable rotator cuff tendon tears and paralysis of and dysfunction of scapular muscles. Dr. Elhassan and the international faculty of this course have been leaders in developing such surgical techniques that have changed so many people’s lives. This program is an opportunity to share these ideas with you so that you can also dramatically improve your patients’ lives.
We welcome you to join us this November.
Kind Regards,
Jon J.P. Warner MD
Founder, Boston Shoulder Institute and The Codman Shoulder Society