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2017 Codman Shoulder Society Meeting

Dear C.S.S. Members and interested parties:

I hope you all have had the opportunity to look at the report of last year's meeting. It was a very intense meeting with so much value and I find myself frequently going back and visiting it. I welcome you telling colleagues to take a look as it was a huge effort on the part of our team to put this together. It is intended to be a point of focus for ideas and development.

I will also soon be posting in "Warner's Corner" some additional interesting experiences and ideas from my recent work with Harvard Business School etc.

It is time to plan next years meeting which will be our 5th meeting. We will have Gilles Walch and Christian Gerber as our Esteemed guests and Provocateurs. I don't think we have ever had such intellectual firepower and this may be historic as getting the two of them to agree to come to  a meeting where they are not named lecturers is unlikely. The theme will be two areas in which they are truly leaders:

  1. Rotator cuff: Bench to Bedside from the Scope to Reverse: This will consider all new technology for irreparable rotator cuff tears and I will try to set them up for conflict as much as possible.

  2. "Innovation": This is a favorite topic of mine. They have been incredible innovators and we need to pick their brains on their approach to innovating as Intellectual Entrepreneurs.

I want ideas from all of you and volunteers for a program committee. 

On another note, I have been perseverating on moving this organization f

orward to a NFP and want to start a dialogue on this with all of you. Some of you may have experience in such development and also some insights. I want to build something bigger than just an annual meeting and welcome input as I  cannot do this alone. I would appreciate all of you to think hard about this and then those who are interested to volunteer for a Ad Hoc BOD to start down this road, I would appreciate it.

Best Regards,

Jon JP Warner, MD

Chief, MGH Shoulder Service

Boston Shoulder Institute

Founder, The Codman Shoulder Society


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