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Precision OS Virtual Reality Kit Opportunity

Dear CSS Members and Colleagues,

Enclosed you will find a message from Dr. Danny Goel. Please take into account his invitation: Some of you may be aware of virtual reality and simulation based training. I am involved with a company that is creating educational modules (Precision OS). They are working towards completing a module (to be done by December 2018) for an augmented base plate. At no expense to you, the company has offered to provide you with a VR kit (which includes a computer and VR head mount display with controllers) to be used at your institutions for your residents and fellows. Please advise if you would be interested in using this tool to supplement your resident/fellows education. It involves an approach for both preoperative image evaluation, glenoid exposure and a level based approach (learner to expert) on how to insert the implant (with metrics on your performance). Please reply to my email address ( with your name, institution and name of your fellowship (if applicable).

Best Regards,

Danny P. Goel, MD, MSc, FRCSC

CEO and Chief Medical Director- Precision OS Tech


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