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The Value of Time

Dear CSS Members and Colleagues:

I thought it might be interesting to invite all you “Type A’s” to reflect on something with which we all struggle.

Which would you prefer? Time or Money? Which do you think will make you happier? Enclosed are several articles from Harvard Business School which consider the “Value of Time Affluence”.

Consider the gift of time you give yourself and you give to others. How do you feel when you prioritize time over money? As Professor Whillans says, “The happiest people use their money to buy time.” The question then is why is it that people who earn more money feel more pressured for time?

My personal view is that if you make money a top 10 priority but not a top 5, and if what you do every day is not described as “work” you’ll be able to balance both time and money and the latter can be used as a resource for the former.

For those who are interested to read more on this subject I recommend the book “Happiness by Design” by Paul Dolan a Professor at London School of Economics.

Best to all,

“JP” Warner, MD

Founder, CSS

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