HBS Executive Program for Leadership Development
Dear CSS Members and Colleagues:
I recently finished my Executive Program at Harvard Business School and wanted to share some thoughts with you. While each of you has a career path and a personal agenda, the program in which I was enrolled greatly influenced my own, even at this stage in my career. In this post I’ll share a little bit about the program and will be posting on other aspects of what I learned. The program is an alternative to an Executive MBA, so those of you inclined to spend up to two years getting the “MBA” after your name might consider the value of Alumni Status at HBS after an intense 12 month alternative which consists of 5 modules that occur both online and on-campus. Suffice it to say, healthcare, and Orthopedics in particular, needs more individuals with insights and skills that this program helps you develop. The program is called Program for Leadership Development, and it is one of many in depth executive educational programs at HBS (https://www.exed.hbs.edu/). Please see the enclosed document for an overview of the overall philosophy of HBS and makeup of Module 5, the final portion of my PLD program.
Some of you may have heard me speak about “you as the product.” Before you can improve the world for the better and also improve life for yourself and your family, you have to become a better version of yourself and acquire the tools of business. This program helps you do both. While traditional MBA programs give you tool box of skills (I am quoting Lisa Hughes, the program director), this program gives you the method to use them. About 25% of our class had already completed an MBA program. So this should give you an indication of how impactful this program can be.
I’ll be mixing posts on my HBS experience with Shoulder and Orthopedic related topics on this blog in the future. I welcome your input and am happy to discuss anything that might interest you.
Kind Regards,
“J.P.” Warner, MD
Founder, CSS