[Philippe Collin] "Pseudoparalysis: Definition, Etiology and Prognosis of Recovery?" on Vu
Dear CSS Members and Colleagues:
Enclosed is a link to a vumedi video by Philippe Collin. This is a wonderful presentation which clarifies based on anatomical and functional studies, the condition we refer to as "pseudoparalysis". There has been much confusion about this condition, largely owing to the consideration for which treatment may be best for a given patient. I believe this confusion stems partly from individual cognitive bias about which operations we tend to favor. Dr. Collin clarifies this in a logical presentation. Not surprisingly for many this will remain a condition defined differently than the one presented by Philippe Collin. But in the end I think our mind set on such things is a bit like religion. We believe what we believe and have faith in our surgical solutions.
Jon “J.P.” Warner, MD
Founder, CSS
"Pseudoparalysis: Definition, Etiology and Prognosis of Recovery?" by Dr. Philippe Collin, CHP Saint Gregoire, Rennes, France. Presented by the German Society for Shoulder and Elbow Surgery (DVSE).
Click here to view: Pseudoparalysis: Definition, Etiology and Prognosis of Recovery?