The Value of Rotator Cuff Repair

Dear colleagues,
Given the unsustainable cost of orthopedic surgery, and in particular, arthroscopic rotator cuff repair, perhaps this video will be of interest. At the least, it may help clarify the cost drivers of the operative episode of care and give you insight into ways you might participate in an approach that drives value…hopefully aligning your interests with those of your organization.
Here is the link to the video on Vumedi: What Is the Value of Rotator Cuff Repair?
Lastly, I hope you can attend both the 40th-anniversary Meeting of the San Diego Shoulder Institute and the 8th Annual Codman Shoulder Society Meeting.
Best Regards,
Jon “JP” Warner, MD
Founder, The CSS
Instructions for RSVPing for the meeting: Please email Dr. JP Warner (, Argen Omurzakov (, and Michael Navarro ( with the information below if you plan to attend our annual meeting:
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