“Why Great Ideas get Stuck in Universities”

Dear Colleagues:
Enclosed is a short article from Harvard Business Review. Many of you work in large AMC’s, specialty hospitals, large for-profit or non-profit institutions. Context and perspective are everything if you seek to be an innovator or entrepreneur.
Over my 36-year career working in AMC’s, I have noticed a growing complexity, often bureaucratic, when it comes to doing meaningful research that has the potential to disrupt the status quo. Moreover, I’ve come to understand that we all may have different ideas about what innovation is. Frankly, I believe no real innovation can deliver value if it is not able to be scaled.
The enclosed article considers the University setting and why it may be problematic for innovation and scaling of new ideas and products. What do you think?
Here are some additional references, if you find this of interest, are listed below:
“Knowledge is the Enemy of Innovation”: 8th Annual Codman Shoulder Society Lecture by Christian Gerber. Here is the link to the entire meeting which deals with Innovation and Entrepreneurism: 8th Annual Codman Shoulder Society Meeting details with video links.
“Think Like a Rocket Scientist”: Ozan Verol is a former Nasa Engineer and he speaks to the issue of validation of ideas and innovation.
“Why is it so hard for Academic Medical Centers to succeed in Value-Based Care.”: Value-Based care is a form of Innovation for Patients.
”What is Innovation and who has the DNA to do it?”: Lecture considering this issue.
“The Bright side and Dark Side of Innovation: The Story of Orthopedics”
Best Regards,
Jon “JP” Warner, MD
Founder, CSS